Virtus Lab
## Slick Cats Workshop #### Szymon Tracz Bartosz Radzyński

Who are we?

### Plan for today 1. Setup 2. Presentation 3. Solving exercises 4. Summary
### Link for presentation ###
### Clone repository: ###
## Setup

Recommended IDE

### Setup for IntelliJ *Recommended IntelliJ version 2018.1 or higher* * clone repository * open project as an sbt project and wait for sbt to download all dependencies * make sure everything compiles * click with left click on exercises package and select 'Run all ScalaTests...' (they should all fail) * follow comments and implements all workshop methods *If you have any problems don't hestitate to ask for our help :)*

Whorkshop db schema

### Example data inserts ### data.TestData
## Why slick? * Efficiency with Pre-Optimization * Type Safety * Productive, Composable Model for Building Queries * Better separation of businness logic from db * Free and open source
# Slick ##### Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit
>Slick is a modern database query and access library for Scala. It allows you to work with stored data almost as if you were using Scala collections while at the same time giving you full control over when a database access happens and which data is transferred. You can write your database queries in Scala instead of SQL, thus profiting from the static checking, compile-time safety and compositionality of Scala. Slick features an extensible query compiler which can generate code for different backends.

Slick Basics

> Importing apropriate profile for db. A profile’s api object contains all commonly needed imports and other parts of Slick such as database handling. ```scala import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ ``` > Slick’s API is fully asynchronous and runs database calls in a separate thread pool. For running user code in composition of DBIOAction and Future values, apropriate ExecutionContext needs to be imported. ```scala import ```
### Case Class definition ```scala case class Cat( id: Option[Long], name: String, breedId: Long, sex: String, age: Int ) ```
### Table definition ```scala class Cats(tag: Tag) extends IdTable[Cat](tag, "cats") { def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def name = column[String]("name") def breedId = column[Long]("breed_id") def sex = column[String]("sex") def age = column[Int]("age") def breedFk = foreignKey("breed_fk", breedId, Breeds.query)( def * = (id.?, name, breedId, sex, age) <> (Cat.tupled, Cat.unapply) } object Cats { lazy val query = TableQuery[Cats] } ```
### Action creating table in db ```scala Cats.query.schema.create ```
### Adding to table ```scala Cats.query ++ Cat(id = None, name = "Bella", breedId = 2, sex = "F", age = 3) ``` ### Accesing table ```scala Cats.query.forEach(println) Cats.query.filer(_.age < 5) ```
### Joins Monadic ```scala for { cat <- Cats.query breed <- Breeds.quey if === cat.breedId } yield { (cat, breed) } ``` Applicative ```scala Cats.query .join(Breeds.Query) .on(_.breedId === ```
### Running an action ```scala catsDb = { url = "jdbc:h2:mem:cats" driver = org.h2.Driver connectionPool = disabled keepAliveConnection = true } ``` ```scala val db = Database.forConfig("catsDb") val action = Cats.query.forEach(println) val futureResult = ```
## Main concept ### Scala queries >> actions >> running actions on db and getting results
## Queries ### No standard Scala Types but its representations (Rep) ```scala Rep[T] Query -> Rep[Seq[T]] TableQuery ``` ### Similiar operations as Scala Collections like flatMap, filter, take, groupBy etc.
## Actions * Action is something that you can execute on db * Actions are created when calling .result on a Query, or .create, or += and similiar and have type DBIO * Actions can be composed with andThen, flatMap, DBIO.seq or transactionally * Parts of action do not run concurrently
## Action compositon ```scala for { bella <- catsRepository.findByName("Bella") breed <- breedsRepository.findExistingById(bella.breedId) } yield { } ```
### Queries and actions are just descriptions of operation ### Operation on database is performed when action is executed on database service. ```scala ```
## To sum up Slick gives us * Table * Query * DBIO (action) * Future (with result)

Slick + cats

# Cats
# Typeclass
### The problem ```scala case class Cat(name: String, breedName: String) def present = ??? //this one needs to be generic val skipper = Cat("Skipper", "Maine Coon") present(skipper) // = "This is Skipper, Maine Coon" ```
### OOP ```scala trait Showable { def show: String } case class Cat(name: String, breedName: String) extends Showable { def show: String = name + ", " + breedName } def present(showable: Showable) = "This is " + val skipper = Cat("Skipper", "Maine Coon") present(skipper) // = "This is Skipper, Maine Coon" ```
### Typeclass ```scala case class Cat(name: String, breedName: String) trait Show[A] { def show(a: A): String } val showCat = new Show[Cat] { def show(cat: Cat): String = + ", " + cat.breedName } def present[A](a: A, s: Show[A]) = "This is " + val skipper = Cat("Skipper", "Maine Coon") present(skipper, showCat) // = "This is Skipper, Maine Coon" ```
### Typeclass resolution in Scala ```scala def present[A](a: A, s: Show[A]) = "This is " + present(skipper, showCat) //we have to pass showCat instance every time ```
### Implicits to the rescue ```scala implicit val showCat = new Show[Cat] { def show(cat: Cat): String = + ", " + cat.breedName } def present[A](a: A)(implicit s: Show[A]) = "This is " + //compiler will automatically search for Show[A] by its type present(skipper) //we said that we know how to show cat a few lines above, we don't have to repeat it ```
### Cat, instances and logic - separated ```scala package instances object CatInstances { implicit val showCat = new Show[Cat] { def show(cat: Cat): String = + ", " + cat.breedName } } ``` ```scala package services object Presenter { def present[A](a: A)(implicit s: Show[A]) = "This is " + } ``` ```scala import model.Cat import instances.CatInstances.showCat import services.Presenter.present present(skipper) ```
### Postfix operators ```scala implicit class ShowOps[A](a: A) { def show(implicit s: Show[A]) = } ``` ```scala val skipper = Cat("Skipper", "Maine Coon") ```
### Monad ```scala def pure[A](a: A): M[A] //Option def pure[A](a: A) = Some(a) //List def pure[A](a: A) = List(a) //DBIO def pure[A](a: A) = DBIO.successful(a) ``` ```scala def flatMap[A, B](fa: M[A])(f: (A) => M[B]): M[B] //bind in Haskell world //in standard cases implemented as fa.flatMap(f) ``` If something is a monad, it's also Applicative and Functor
### Option T ###### Convenience data type for M[Option[A]] ```scala def tryFindCat(id: Long): OptionT[DBIO, Cat] def tryFindBreedForCat(cat: Cat): OptionT[DBIO, Breed] def getFavoriteFood(cat: Cat): Food val cat: OptionT[DBIO, Cat] = tryFindCat(id) val breed: OptionT[DBIO, Breed] = cat.flatMap(tryFindBreedForCat) val favoriteFood: OptionT[DBIO, Food] = ```
### Either T ###### Convenience data type for M[Either[A, B]] ```scala def tryFindCat(id: Long): EitherT[DBIO, Error, Cat] def tryFindBreedForCat(cat: Cat): EitherT[DBIO, Error, Breed] def getFavoriteFood(cat: Cat): Food val cat: EitherT[DBIO, Error, Cat] = tryFindCat(id) val breed: EitherT[DBIO, Error, Breed] = cat.flatMap(tryFindBreedForCat) val favoriteFood: EitherT[DBIO, Error, Food] = ```
### Wrapping ```scala def tryFindCatBefore(id: Long): DBIO[Option[Cat]] def tryFindCatAfter(id: Long): OptionT[DBIO, Cat] = OptionT(tryFindCatBefore(id)) ```
### Semigroup ###### Adding things up ```scala def combine(x: A, y: A): A ``` ```scala List(1, 2, 3).combine(List(4, 5)) //List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 1.combine(2) // 3 ```
### Semigroup ###### Adding wrappers if contained elements can be added ```scala def combine(fx: DBIO[A], fy: DBIO[A])(implicit s: Semigroup[A]): DBIO[A] = { { case (x, y) => x.combine(y) } } ``` ```scala def fetchPersian: DBIO[List[Cat]] def fetchMaineCoon: DBIO[List[Cat]] fetchPersian.combine(fetchMaineCoon) //DBIO[List[Cat]] ```
### Validated vs. Either ```scala valid[List[String], Int](1) combine valid[List[String], Int](2) combine valid[List[String], Int](3) //Valid(6) ``` ```scala Right[List[String], Int](1) combine Right[List[String], Int](2) combine Right[List[String], Int](3) //Right(6) ```
### Validated vs. Either ```scala invalid[List[String], Int](List("err1")) combine invalid[List[String], Int](List("err2")) combine valid[List[String], Int](3) //Invalid(List("err1", "err2")) ``` ```scala Left[List[String], Int](List("err1")) combine Left[List[String], Int](List("err2")) combine Right[List[String], Int](3) //Left(List("err1")) ```
# Drawbacks
# Let's Code! ![](imgs/traffic.png)
# Extras
### Unicorn ```scala /** Id class for type-safe joins and queries. */ case class UserId(id: Long) extends AnyVal with BaseId[Long] case class UserRow( id: Option[UserId], email: String, name: String ) extends WithId[Long, UserId] /** Table definition for users. */ class Users(tag: Tag) extends IdTable[UserId, UserRow](tag, "USERS") { def email = column[String]("EMAIL") def name = column[String]("LAST_NAME") override def * = (id.?, email, name) <> (UserRow.tupled, UserRow.unapply) } ```